Back up to about 1 week ago. I was going to bed one night at about midnight. Jared was downstairs doing whatever he does down there until the wee hours of the morning, so I couldn't use him as back up when my non-surround sound hearing heard a cat fight. Usually Jack is in the backyard, so I checked there first. Nothing. Then I check the front. Nothing. Then I went to bed. About 2 days later, we noticed that Jack had a big scab on his nose and a smaller one above his eye. A day later, his nose was swollen some, but we decided to just watch it. Sunday after church, Kyla noticed something purplish dried up by the scab on his nose. I decided it needed to be cleaned with a little hydrogen peroxide, which led to a whole lot of pus draining out. Thus, a trip to the vet for antibiotics... so I thought. I took him in Monday afternoon, thinking we would be able to get the drugs and leave. No such luck. Anesthesia, surgery to drain the abscesses, 2 penrose drains, and a night in the hospital later... THE CONE OF SHAME!!!!
Don't worry. Jack is on the mend. He got his drains out today and no longer has to wear the CONE OF SHAME.